ホーム » プロトコール集 » 細胞調整編 » 2.Protocol for preparing glial cultures(M.Aihara)

2.Protocol for preparing glial cultures(M.Aihara)


needed materials:

dissociated brain cells


75cm2 flask

desirable plates (non-coating)


1. dissection and dissociation of cerebral cells (see the section of "protocol for preparing

hippocampal neuronal culture")

2. plate cells at the density of 1.0E7 / flask

3. replace culture media twice a week with fresh DMIT(-)FCS 10%

4. after 2 weeks, this culture should reach confluence with astroglia


note: if in a good condition, astroglia become confluent and on the surface or in medium,

microglia are present


5. shake the flask for a few minutes to detach microglia from the surface of the culture

6. ake sup to place in 50ml centrifuge tube (see next chapter "microglia")

7. wash this flask with PBS(-) 2 times and trypsinize cells with 0.25% trypsin for a few minutes

8. suspend them in DMIT(-)FCS10%

9. count cell density and plate in your desirable plates


note:you don't need to prepare coated plates because glia easily attach to plastic plates


10. after 24 hours from 2nd preparation, replace media with fresh one, for the purpose of removing neurons

or damaged cells

11. feed for 2 weeks replacing media twice a week

12. you can get astroglial confluent culture



continue from above chapter step 6

7. spin down cells for 5 min at 1000rpm

8. suspend pellets in DMIT(-)FCS 10%

9. count cell density and plate in your desirable plates


note:you don't need to prepare coated plates because glia easily attach to plastic plates


10. replace media after 6 hours with fresh one

11. assay should be performed within 2 days


note:isolated microglia become ameboid in a good condition but they cannot proliferate


note:astroglia and microglia are viable in serum free media (DMIT(-)BSA0.1%) for a few days