ホーム » プロトコール集 » 細胞機能編 » 7.アラキドン酸遊離測定法(石井功)


1. Materials


・Serum-free medium

・Tyroad Solution with 10 mM HEPES-NaOH(pH7.4)

・Fatty Acid-free BSA



・2% (w/v) Triton X-100


2. Assay steps(12 well dishの場合)


Cells on 12 well dish

Wash the cells once with 1.25 ml of 37℃-prewarmed serum-free medium

Add 0.75 ml of serum-free medium containing 0.1 μCi of [3H]Arachidonate

Overnight labeling in CO2-incubator

Wash the cells twice for 3 min each with Wash buffer (Tyroad Solution with HEPES containg 0.1% f.a.-free BSA)

Add 500 μl of Wash buffer and incubate for 3 min

Add 5 μl of Wash buffer containing agonists

Incubate for appropriate periods under 37℃

Aspirate 250 μl of the sup with a pipetman → count the radioactivity (for released radioactivity)

Add 250 μl of 2% Triton X-100

Solubilize the cells with shaking

Take 5 μl of the lysate → count the radioactivity (for incorporated radioactivity)


3. Points


・細胞の生きを改善するためにOvernightラベル時に、f.a.-free BSAを0.1%程度入れておいてもよい。細胞をまく密度、ラベル量、ラベル時間は、各自実験の目的・細胞に合わせて検討の必要がある。




